Build training modules everyone can comprehend.

Build it. Experience it. Measure it.

Book a Demo

Create powerful engaging learning experiences right from your desktop.

Boost learning engagement and retention with augmented training content. 

Capture valuable insights and track performance for continuous improvement.

One in four workers in North America is approaching retirement age.

Is your company prepared to train the next generation?

Deloitte/Manufacturing Institute 2018: Manufacturing Industry Outlook.

Here’s How It Works

DeepSight Studio
Create in the Studio

Build, edit & export training

Create easy-to-update holographic guides, documentation and evaluation inside the DeepSight Studio – Simply drag and drop!

  • Import

    Add your digital twins (3D Scans or CAD models) to replicate your environment.

  • Design

    Position your virtual elements easily including objects, photos and videos.

  • Detail

    Add annotations, tools, or indicators at certain steps of your sequence to facilitate understanding.

  • Anchor

    Add virtual anchors (QR Codes) to position your content precisely in your environment.

  • View

    See your augmented procedures in the Holo native app (Hololens, iPad, iPhone, Apple Vision Pro).

DeepSight App
Train with AR Glasses or Tablets

Give and receive expert support anywhere, at any time

Watch and interact with trainings, capture data, record video, and share what you see with remote experts using smart glasses (Hololens or Apple Vision Pro) or mobile devices (iPad/iPhone).

  • Load

    Scan anchors (QR Code) to see your augmented content precisely in your environment.

  • Step-by-Step

    Follow each step to complete your instruction, maintenance or training guide.

  • Connect

    Share what you are seeing to remote experts for instant support or troubleshooting.

  • Capture

    Record performance indicators and allow users to take videos for visual feedback on unplanned issues.

  • Analyze

    Review the data captured in Console (time spent at each step, competency matrix, etc.).

DeepSight Console
Analyze your Performance Dashboard

Optimize with your performance dashboard

Access your performance data through the DeepSight Console and export it to your software of choice. Manage your team’s competencies to improve their skills.

  • Track

    Access the data captured by workers and monitor their performance.

  • Breakdown

    Segment your datasets based on specific workers, timeframes, procedures and even steps within procedures.

  • Evaluate

    Generate graphics and tables to convert data into valuable information for your organization.

  • Export

    Download a CSV file to process your data in any advanced analytics tool.

  • Optimize

    Revise your processes in DS Studio.

Start Now


No Code

No programming is required to create your augmented content.


Accessible on Web and Mobile to allow managers to bring data on the floor.


No download required. Access your account from any web browser and start creating.


Move freely, with no wires or external packs to get in your way during extended usage.

Interactive Learning

Boost learning engagement and retention with augmented content.

Intuitive Commands

Use eye gazing to select buttons on the app and keep your hands free for the work that matters.

Cloud Storage

All your data is accessible from anywhere at any time.

File Compatibility

Conversion is done automatically for a wide range of 3D model files.

Live Updates

Data updates automatically when captured by workers.

Our Technology Partners

DeepSight is an expert in software development. We ally ourselves with technology partners who develop innovative components and devices that enable augmented reality to be disseminated. These include IBM, where DeepSight has integrated the text-to-speech tool of the Watson suite, Microsoft’s Hololens, iOS mobile devices and Apple Vision Pro.

DeepSight Partner Build Program IBM
​​3 out of 4 employees are trained using job-shadowing.

What will happen when your experienced workers retire?

DeepSight leverages the power of AR to help manufacturers create continuous learning content that accelerates employee education and improves manufacturers’ end product.

Wearable Technologies

AR glasses or tablets. They merge holographic content with the trainee’s real-world environment.

Digital Twins

A digital twin is a virtual representation in the form of a 3D model. They are typically products, pieces of equipment, or even entire environments.

A Better Training Experience

When paired together, wearable technology and digital twins allow employees to train on real equipment and experience the production floor while removing constant oversight and stress from the worker. Mistakes will never impede the real-world production process and all training data is captured and recorded.

DeepSight is Designed for

HR Training Specialists

Trainers save time using autonomous evaluations and SOP’s are as fresh as this morning’s coffee.

Easily create continuous learning programs that are multi-language, standardized, and stimulating. Gamified training engages workers leading to better knowledge retention and increased worker knowledge and versatility.

Transform Training Now

Continuous Improvement Specialists

Your SOPs should live in a digital library instead of a binder that went missing six months ago.

DeepSight puts control back into your hands so you can easily report and correlate data to show information on competencies, productivity, and efficiency opportunities. When something needs your attention, your people can use smart glasses (Hololens/AVP) headset or mobile devices to fix the issue without slowing down production.

Drive Efficiency Today

Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)

Set your customers up with autonomous training so costly technician visits become a thing of the past.

Equip your clients with AR glasses or mobile devices and continuous learning content so they can properly operate your equipment—whether it’s Day 1 on the job or 1,000. DeepSight gives your clients the power to train new operators and resolve issues via remote support, delivering exceptional customer service that differentiates you from your competition.

Enhance your Client Experience

Industrial and Manufacturing Consultants

Your clients are asking for more engaging continuous learning content.

Your clients are asking for AR training content. Now you have an answer. Develop your client’s training content using DeepSight’s core features and generate additional revenue through resale licensing.

Become an Integration Partner

Here’s how it usually works…

The sole employee who knows how to operate the machinery saddles up next to your trainee to deliver instructions at a million miles an hour. There is no way to track the trainee’s knowledge retention or progress. And of course, nothing is documented or standardized.

The process is unengaging and the trainee isn’t confident they can recall every detail or perform these complex procedures on their own. 

On the floor, error rates are rising, the one employee who knows how to fix an issue isn’t on shift and production has paused. Again.


What if, instead, you could immerse your employees into a 3-D augmented training program that:
  • allows them to train safely on-the-floor
  • without interrupting production
  • while tracking progress, comprehension, certification schedules and more.  

With DeepSight, you can.

Future-proof your operations.

When your most seasoned employees retire, will you be prepared?
Secure Your Future